Late Summer Update & Links Round-up
While the job market continues to be tough, it’s been a very productive summer for me creatively, and for that I’m grateful. Here are some of the things I’ve been up to — and my sincere gratitude to those who backed me in one endeavor or another.
Launchpad. Space Camp for writers! You can read my full write-up here. I’m still processing the experience (it was amazing), but a few new stories are definitely growing from it.
What Fates Impose. This anthology of fortune-telling tales that includes my story “Ain’t Much Different’n Rabbits” was fully funded! It’s a great TOC, and I’m proud to be a part of it. It’s not available for purchase just yet, but I’ll shout out here as soon as it is.
Broken Eye Books / By Faerie Light. Another anthology I’m part of, By Faerie Light, is one of the rewards for backers of Broken Eye Books’ 2013 Kickstarter campaign. By Faerie Light contains 18 dark tales about the fae, including my story “The Forest Also Remembers.” (Wow, another sweet TOC, too. I’m lucky!) Broken Eye Books has a lot of other great looking titles as part of their campaign, and there’s still lots of time to back them.
Clarion West Write-a-Thon / Novel Draft: Completed. It’s just one milestone in what promises to be a long project, but my initial draft of my rural fantasy novel is complete! This was my goal during the Clarion West Write-a-thon, and I finished the draft on the final weekend of this years’ workshop. Thanks to all who backed me this year! I’m giving the novel a little time to breathe before I jump back in. You can read more about that over at Inkpunks.

Everything Is Festival / “Final Cut: Ladies & Gentlemen.” On Monday night, Carol, Bryan, and I attended the opening night for the Everything Is Festival, a film festival celebrating found footage. While most of the mashups in the festival are short pieces, “Final Cut: Ladies & Gentlemen,” a film by Hungarian filmmaker György Pàlfi is a feature length film edited from something like 500 different movies! It’s a classic “Boy meets Girl” tale, and while the actors change with every cut, it’s a surprisingly robust and affecting narrative. Pàlfi never takes it too seriously, either, which is good since it embraces just about every romantic trope found in 100 years of cinema. Something to be said for universal stories, eh?
Everything Is Festival: “Final Cut – Ladies & Gentlemen” (trailer) from Cinefamily on Vimeo.
Final Cut is an homage, and none of the clips or music were cleared by the filmmaker, so the festival circuit is likely to be the only place to see it for some time. (L.A. folks, I think there’s another screening this coming Monday.)
Sekrit Projects. These are in such embryonic stages of development it doesn’t seem quite right to talk about them yet. New short stories, some projects with a visual component. Some collaborations. All irons in the fire, and who knows where they will lead — but it’s good to have some time to explore various creative paths.
Hope all of you are having a good summer!